L02-117, Shaftsbury Putrajaya, Jalan Alamanda 1, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya
Phone no : 03-88000842
Invoice Number | INV-0182 |
Invoice Date | December 27, 2022 |
Due Date | January 31, 2023 |
Total Due | RM0.00 |
Hrs/Qty | Service/Product | Rate/Price | Sub Total |
1 | Website Development One page style |
RM1,200.00 | RM1,200.00 |
1 | Domain and hosting Free for the first year |
RM500.00 | RM0.00 |
Sub Total | RM1,200.00 |
Tax | RM109.09 |
Paid | -RM1,200.00 |
Total Due | RM0.00 |
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Crypto Currency : Please contact us first