


L02-117, Shaftsbury Putrajaya, Jalan Alamanda 1, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya

Phone no : 03-88000842

Invoice Number INV-0251
Invoice Date July 19, 2023
Total Due RM5,500.00
Hrs/Qty Service/Product Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Social media Management basic / Month

12 Hours Social Media Manager
3 Social Media Management ( FB , IG , TikTok, Youtube )
3 Posts/Week
Occasional Posts
UGC Videos 5
Total ( 16) posts
Pages Optimazation
Targeting Needed Keywords
Publicity management
Professional Promotional Video Edit ( 1 Video 30 Seconds )
TripAdvisor/Google Management
Email Marketing

1 Influencer A

5 Influencers
Between 1k - 15K Followers
10 Instagram Stories
5 Instagram Reels /TikTok
5 Instagram Feed
Content Creation
Keywords analysis
Original media Can be re-used

1 Website Development and design - basic

Domain Name
Shared Hosting
Up to 4 pages
Data Entry
Fully automated reservation online
Online Payment Gateway ( 3.5 % commission on each transaction )
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media integration
Completion Time ( 25 working Days )

1 GrabFood & FoodPanda Management

Manage the entire platform store
Menu Optimazation
Price Optimazation
Handling , in and out transactions
Sales Management
Refund , return and appeals
Signing up for new promotions
Registering at new Delivery platforms

Sub Total RM10,300.00
Tax RM936.36
Discount -RM4,800.00
Total Due RM5,500.00

Paypal :
Crypto Currency : Please contact us first