


L02-117, Shaftsbury Putrajaya, Jalan Alamanda 1, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya

Phone no : 03-88000842

Invoice Number INV-0041
Invoice Date June 3, 2021
Due Date June 17, 2021
Total Due RM0.00
Zoom Educational Consultancy
Hrs/Qty Service/Product Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Fixing the Problem in the current website design

- Fixing the extra white space on the left and the right of certain pages
* The entire work will be 5 Working Days from the date of acceptance and payment

1 Fixing the upload form

- to have an X to cancel the upload
- Re-arranging the process to make the apply now unclickable until it uploads all the files and than the use can click on apply
- the delay of the Success message

Sub Total RM600.00
Tax RM54.55
Discount -RM200.00
Paid -RM400.00
Total Due RM0.00

Paypal :
Crypto Currency : Please contact us first