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L02-117, Shaftsbury Putrajaya, Jalan Alamanda 1, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya

Phone no : 03-88000842

Quote Number QUO-55
Quote Date December 27, 2022
Valid Until January 31, 2023
Total RM3,000.00
Mohammed Ousman
Hrs/Qty Service/Product Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Marketing & ads Management / month

- Social media Management ( Facbook , TikTok , Instagram )
- 3 posts + Copywriting Per week
- Occasional Posts
- Shopee , Lazada , Amazon and TikTok store ads Management
- Pages Optimazation
- Publicity management
- 2 emails blasting to your email list

Sub Total RM3,000.00
Tax RM272.73
Total RM3,000.00